I read a headline this morning on Yahoo! (that quickly was overtaken by all the Osama Bin Laden is dead cheer leading) stating that teen joblessness in the United States is at a record.
Again, I will probably sound like cynic here.
My opinion is that most teens don’t want a job, what they want is a paycheck – and the less they have to do to get it the better. Most do not want to learn a valuable skill and only a microscopic percentage are willing to take Dr. Gary North’s advice and offer to work for a company as a FREE intern in return for learning valuable job and business skills.
Because if they wanted money and were willing to work for it then they would be flocking to GetPaidWriting.org and other sites like it in DROVES and doing more than just looking over the graphics and clicking the back button as soon as they realize that the money isn’t free.
I cannot speak for the other sites, and I am pretty sure that some of the get paid to write offerings at ClickBank and other places are little more than scams.
But I can personally vouch that real people are behind GetPaidWriting.org and that what they teach works.
I know single moms who have learned to bolster an otherwise inadequate income and still others who make a full living by writing online using the knowledge they have picked up at GPW. The online income they generate can be a fee for work done but can also include ongoing “royalties” that can put money in your pocket for years to come.
Teens may not believe it but they are actually some of the best candidates to make money online in a get paid writing online format. Young people have energy to talk, if you can talk you can write, if you cannot type you can speak into a microphone or webcam.
Young people are seldom scared of technology.
Young people know the most about so many of the hottest topics that companies will pay you to write about online: acne, iPads and other electronic devices, GAMES, cars, cosmetics. You get the idea.
Bottom line is this: Do You Need To Make Money?
If you are unemployed, under employed or a teen trying to makes some money over the summer to pay for a college educate that you or your parents are delusional about the benefits of, then check out GetPaidWriting right now.
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