Here Is Why To Turn Off Facebook Chat
Facebook likes to put your whole life out on the web. OK, so they know you want to connect with your friends. And Facebook Chat is one way to do that.
What is Facebook Chat?
It amounts to an instant messaging system that allows one to instant message (IM) friends within the Facebook network and even via Windows Live Messenger.
But, hello, there are some people you will friend just because you don’t want to refuse them, right, but they aren’t really in your close circle.
Also, some people will work their way onto your friend list that you don’t really even know, especially if you are in business using Facebook to promote yourself or your business, or because they invited you and you just clicked yes without really thinking about it.
Did you know that, by default, you show up to all your friends as a friend currently available for chat? Then, all of a sudden, you computer starts ‘dinging’ at you as one of your ‘friends’ then they can request a chat session.
Well, they can ‘invite’ you with a photo showing up.
Lights coming on? Yes, porn solicitation! It’s happening.
So just turn off Facebook chat except when you want it.
Here Is How To Turn Off Facebook Chat
The step-by-step guide below to turn off or disable the Facebook Chat feature is pretty straightforward:
- Login to your Facebook account.
- Click on the Chat pane in the bottom right corner of the browser window.
- In the Chat window, click on the “Options” tab.
- Select Go Offline.
- The Facebook Chat feature will then be logged off and disabled.
Tip: To enable Facebook Chat again, just click on the Chat button again.
There is also hack to appear online or offline to certain friends only in Facebook Chat for people who prefer not to disable Facebook Chat completely.
It seem like the chat is now always on. The ‘go offline’ function is not available anymore.
Still working for me…
Oh ok … now it is working for me again also.
By the way..if you create a group of friends then you have the chat option to ‘limit the availability’ to only a specific group of friends.
Best regards